2022 OPEN: A Summary
The 2022 CrossFit Open gave life back to our community, after spending so much time apart and in small groups because of the COVID-19 pandemic. We were able to come together once again on Friday nights to work out, cheer each other on, and collectively uplift the community around us. Before we share what our big plans are for this year’s Open, let’s take a quick peek at what we were able to accomplish last year! Anyone remember Meme Wars?!
Week 1: During week one last year, we worked together to collect food for Our Daily Bread, a local spot in town that helps families and individuals with food insecurity at no cost. We collected almost 1,000 items! Chris and I had the pleasure of dropping off all of the donations, and watching the reactions of the volunteers as canned goods and non-perishable items continued to make their way through the doors. We also hosted a dip contest! We had a variety of cold dips, warm dips, salsas and more that went head to head to see who took home some mega points for their team!
Week 2: During week two last year, we again worked together to collect items, but this time, for the Delaware ASPCA. We gathered leashes, towels, food, toys, and more for the animals currently in shelters needing some love and support. We also hosted a dessert night! Members entered their favorite desserts, and we had a crew of taste testers to help name the top three baked goods! Yuuummmm.
Week 3: Finally, during the third and final week of the Open, we grounded ourselves in gratitude. Originally, we had planned to do some outreach to first responders, essential workers (teachers, pharmacists, doctors, etc.), and loved ones through mail. That's right…good ol’ fashioned mail. Teams rallied together to see who could send the most postcards through the mail to the people in the community or their lives that just needed a quick pick-me-up. During this time, the conflict between Russia and Ukraine took center stage for the world. We have several members with family and friends in Ukraine, so we quickly pivoted as a gym to collect emergency items and ship them overseas. It’s amazing how much we are capable of giving when we let ourselves be selfless.
This year, for the 2023 Open, you can expect more giving back. After all, it’s what we do. Be ready for new contests, new challenges, and of course, lots of fun! Make this week great, and as always, I’ll see you at the gym! :)
Coach Kady