Weekly Hell Yea!
CrossFit wants to give Brandon Ambrosino the honor of being our member of the week! Brandon has been coming in with consistency that can only be found in our stellar 6AM group, but this weekend Brandon caught all of our attention.
In a workout with handstand pushups, Brandon absolutely destroyed the movement. I told him they looked great afterwards, and he advised that he hadn't been able to string them together like that until today. A complex movement like that takes time to become proficient at, but somehow in the heat of the workout, Brandon was able to string several together flawlessly!
Not only did the HSPU look tremendous, but Brandon had the poor fortune of ripping his hands while performing the chin ups in the circuit. I recall him looking at me, showing me his hand, running to the bathroom, and grabbing a paper towel to grip so he could complete the workout! Talk about grit (not to mention being very considerate of the equipment).
Thank you Brandon for being an awesome part of CrossFit Petram. IF YOU SEE BRANDON THIS WEEK BE SURE TO GIVE HIM A HELL YEA!