The Story Of The 20 Mile Journey...

Build Consistency In CrossFit and Fitness Will Come

In 1911, two teams led separate expeditions on a race to the South Pole. The journey over the most extreme weather and terrain on Earth was over 1800 nautical miles which is almost a round trip from Chicago to New York City. The press covered the beginning of this 100 day trek intensely.

The first team was led by Robert Falcon Scott. His team would march as far as they could on the good weather days, and then rest when the weather turned. Some days they would march 40 or more miles, while the other days they would only march 5.

The second team was led by Ronald Amundsen. His team dedicated themselves to marching 20 miles a day. On days during rough weather or terrain it may take them longer, and on good days it would take them shorter, but they were consistent.

In the end it was Amundsen's team that won. His consistent approach led to his victory while Scott's team perished in the Antarctic after reaching Amundsen's flag at the South Pole.

Your Own 20 Mile Journey In CrossFit

This story is very similar to our members' journeys. Some will take Scott's approach where some weeks they will hit 5 workouts, 3 yoga sessions and maybe some extra strength work. Others will take Amundsen's approach. Whether they are swamped at work or there is 4 inches of snow they will make it 4 days a week no matter what.

After being in different CrossFit gyms for nearly a half decade it is obvious to me that those that are consistent in their effort ultimately reach their goals more fully and quicker. Many athletes get distracted by trying to find a silver bullet to take them to the next level. They are always the ones starting the newest and sexiest lifting program or showing up with a 20 pound vest for Murph, but never able to stick to any one thing.

The unfortunate fact is that there is no secret. It's about consistently showing up, ready to work your ass off, every day. Some days you will feel great, other days not so much. The only important thing is that you show up and that you trust the process.

Consistency, no matter how small the effort, will always beat short term intensity.

-Coach Nick