Push Pull for Pancreatic Cancer

One of our goals at CrossFit Petram is to be a “community centered gym.”  Here’s how we came up with that:

  • Our gym consists of a “group of people living in the same place or having a particular characteristic in common”  which is the definition of community. What we have in common is that we come to the gym to work hard, have fun and get a little bit better every single day so that we can live longer and more fulfilling lives.

  • Location -> being on Main Street downtown is a perfect match for our desire to be connected to the community we serve.

  • Giving back to the community we serve.  From day 1 we’ve made an effort to walk the walk and not just say that we are community oriented.   We participate in town events, host fundraisers and do our best to contribute.

In the spirit of being community centered we have hosted many fundraisers and special events. These events have an important meaning to us, and we are grateful to have our gym community behind us to step up to the plate and deliver. That brings us to this week’s Friday Night Lights (20.3) which is a fundraiser for Push Pull for Pancreatic Cancer.

Push Pull for Pancreatic Cancer is a special opportunity to support two members of our Petram family (Josh and Molly M.). I asked Molly to remind us of the “who and why” that makes this such an important event honoring their brother-in-law Dan:

“On June 29, 2018, Dan received the diagnosis that he had stage IV pancreatic cancer. An active member of both the national, Eastern PA local, and collegiate soccer communities through refereeing and playing, we supported Dan as his did everything he could to give his cancer the red card and send it off for good. Dan fought bravely through every moment, often not letting on how tough the cancer was for him. Dan passed away on January 22, 2019 in the company of his wife and parents in the comfort of his home. A lover of the beautiful game, an avid runner of road races like the Broad Street Run, a son, husband, friend, colleague, and family member, Dan touched the lives of so many people. Please join us in showing our love for Dan as we honor his incredible legacy.”

The Push/Pull for Pancreatic Cancer is a fitness event designed to encourage personal fitness and raise awareness and funds for pancreatic cancer. This disease has the lowest survival rate after five years of all top ten deadliest cancers — only 8% — yet it’s also one of the least funded. Do your part to end pancreatic cancer by making your daily workout more meaningful. The money raised last year from the Push Pull events are already having impacts, click the link to read more: https://www.nhregister.com/valley/amp/Project-Purple-donates-1-2-million-to-NY-13417184.php 

To register and donate click below and join the CrossFit Petram fundraising team:


Join us this Friday and wear purple to show your support for Push Pull for Pancreatic Cancer!

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